1) To start your own starter requires very little time, effort and ingredients: flour, water, and poof!
2) The varieties of things to be created from a starter are endless: bread, english muffins, bagels, and onward.
3) You can order a starter that dates back to 1847 on the internet. Yep, that's right, and it costs the amount of a self-addressed, stamped envelope. That would be approximately 45 cents.
4) When your starter is growing it develops a layer on top that is termed, "the hooch." heh.
Here's a website that has been pretty invaluable to me in my research of sourdough baking:
Every topic of the sourdough process is covered in detail. The idea of creating a starter now and passing it down to future generations is a pretty cool idea. Who knows, my starter could be sold on the world wide web in the year 2112, just a thought :) Anyways, you should really take a look at the site I posted above and I challenge you to create your own starter!! Seriously, it's no harder than having a pet goldfish, and bonus, you get to eat it!! Oh, and P.S., I promise to post mouth watering food pictures once I revive my poor macbook...sniff, sniff.
I use the same blog! Starter is going strong after just a couple days.